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Tom Cromie - Film 1
Tom originally wanted to join the RAF just after D...Tom Cromie - Film 1
Tom Cromie - Film 2
Tom recalls a dreadful moment when he's in the wro...Tom Cromie - Film 2
Tom Cromie - Film 3
Tom recalls the D-Day landing. It wasn't as they s...Tom Cromie - Film 3
Tom Cromie - Film 4
Tom is injured and recalls the medics working hard...Tom Cromie - Film 4
Despatch rider HQ 465 Bty, 90 (City of London) Fd Regt RA. Supported 231 Bde landed H+60 mins on D Day part of 50 Div Jig Green sector. Run in shoot. Run over by Bren Carrier which broke leg. Also served Africa, Italy. General Hospital at Ryes. Operated Sexton tracked SP guns. Vivid Memories
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Tom Cromie
Tom Cromie was a dispatch rider for the Royal Artillery and on D-Day was lucky to survive the landings...