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Stan Hope - Film 1
In this, the first film of 5 films, Stan talks abo...Stan Hope - Film 1
Stan Hope - Film 2
Having landed in Belgium, Stan tries to blend in. ...Stan Hope - Film 2
Stan Hope - Film 3
Despite making it to the foot of the Pyrenees, the...Stan Hope - Film 3
Stan Hope - Film 4
Stan talks about the Comet line and how it was org...Stan Hope - Film 4
Stan Hope - Film 5
Stan talks about how mistreated he was as a Prison...Stan Hope - Film 5
Stan Hope was flying over Belgium when he lost one engine. When the other started to show signs of failure, it was time to leave the aircraft. He'd never parachuted before but managed to land in a field of cows.
Stan made it as far as the Pyrenees but was then captured. He spent months in prison and was poorly treated by the Gestapo.
- Biography
- Transcript
Stan Hope
Stan Hope was an RAF evader on the Comète Line. He eventually reached the Pyrenees before being captured with the late Andrée De Jongh (aka “Dédée").