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Ron Stephens REME
Ron Stephens REME
Ron Stephens joined the army in 1939 and trained a...Ron Stephens REME
Ron Stephens - Film 1
Ron Stephens joined the armed forces as a boy sold...Ron Stephens - Film 1
Ron Stephens - Film 2
As the troops advanced into Normandy the need for ...Ron Stephens - Film 2
Ron Stephens - Film 3
Ron recalls in detail the devastation of Caen and ...Ron Stephens - Film 3
Ron Stephens joined the army in 1939 and trained as a Vehicle Mechanic in the REME.
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Ron Stephens REME
Ron Stephens joined the army in 1939 and trained as a Vehicle Mechanic in the REME. On the Normandy Beaches, removing vehicles from the sand