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Roger Tomlinson
Roger Tomlinson
Lieutenant Colonel Roger Tomlinson traces his life...Roger Tomlinson
Roger Tomlinson - Film 1
Roger remembers the day when he discovered the Arm...Roger Tomlinson - Film 1
Roger Tomlinson - Film 2
As a young army musician Roger takes up the pen co...Roger Tomlinson - Film 2
Roger Tomlinson - Film 3
Roger finds that becoming a band-master means havi...Roger Tomlinson - Film 3
Roger Tomlinson - Film 4
Having become Director of Music for the Tank Regim...Roger Tomlinson - Film 4
Roger Tomlinson - Film 5
Roger returns to where his adventure with Army mus...Roger Tomlinson - Film 5
Roger Tomlinson - Film 6
Having been under fire in Ulster, Roger has to fac...Roger Tomlinson - Film 6
Lieutenant Colonel Roger Tomlinson traces his life’s journey for us; going from the schoolboy fascinated by a Guards band on parade, through the musician learning all the instruments, to, as the Army’s principal Director of Music, being tasked with probably the most painful decision an army musician might have to take.
- Biography
- Transcript
Roger Tomlinson
Lieutenant Colonel Roger Tomlinson shares stories of a horse that wouldn’t canter, choppers coming the wrong way, and the sound of a bullet whistling past at close range.