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Roger Swift - Film 1
An engineering apprentice gets called-up to take u...Roger Swift - Film 1
Roger Swift - Film 2
Roger is frozen on parade, on-air with Beethoven a...Roger Swift - Film 2
Roger Swift - Film 3
Saying sorry for the tanks and Swift the senior st...Roger Swift - Film 3
Roger Swift - Film 4
Roger is part of an army that has one hundred band...Roger Swift - Film 4
Roger Swift - Film 5
Examined on the highest level at Kneller Hall to b...Roger Swift - Film 5
Roger Swift - Film 6
From leading the bands for an army Corps to leadin...Roger Swift - Film 6
Roger Swift - Film 7
The former apprentice returns to Kneller Hall as a...Roger Swift - Film 7
Major Roger Swift tells us how a young man, who trained as an engineer actually spent fifty-three years as an Army musician, leading some of its premier bands and being a part of the force’s triumphs and tragedies. Roger remembers how music could say “We’re sorry’’ and how he found out that the monarch has a sharp eye for a uniform.
- Biography
- Transcript
Roger Swift
Major Roger Swift offered to be interrogated for a second time when the pupils from Chase Bridge School came to visit Kneller Hall. He regaled them with a wonderful account which had many in the room in tears. Best wishes Roger.