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Michele Apter - Film 1
Michele is the mother of two former soldiers. Sam ...Michele Apter - Film 1
Michele Apter - Film 2
Michele's son Sam had already done one tour of Ira...Michele Apter - Film 2
Michele Apter - Film 3
Michelle's eldest son Sean left the army to focus ...Michele Apter - Film 3
Michele Apter - Film 4
Michele has received great support from Help for H...Michele Apter - Film 4
Michele Apter - Film 5
Michele's sons are very loyal to their regiments a...Michele Apter - Film 5
Michele's family tree shows military men from both world wars, so it was no surprise when two of her sons joined the military. Tours of Iraq, and physical and mental injuries has meant that Michele has struggled to keep her sons safe since they left the army, and after numerous suicide attempts Michele's own mental health has suffered significantly...