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Lewis Trinder - Film 1
Lewiss father had been in the Navy and he volunt...Lewis Trinder - Film 1
Lewis Trinder - Film 2
Having experienced the Atlantic Ocean during great...Lewis Trinder - Film 2
Lewis Trinder - Film 3
After providing support and transportation during ...Lewis Trinder - Film 3
Lewis Trinder - Film 4
After Operation Pluto, Lewis is at sea again, this...Lewis Trinder - Film 4
Lewis Trinder - Film 5
Although desperate to get home and see his family,...Lewis Trinder - Film 5
Seaman Royal Navy, HMS Magpie
- Biography
- Transcript
Lewis Trinder
Joining the Navy on his 18th birthday, Lewis Trinder experienced so much of the war, from navigating the swells of the Atlantic to DDay