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Howard Tomlinson
Howard Tomlinson
Howard joined the army to get away from a difficul...Howard Tomlinson
Howard Tomlinson Royal Engineers
Howard talks about his training. It was a case of ...Howard Tomlinson Royal Engineers
Howard Tomlinson Royal Engineers
In the early 60's there was no radio, television o...Howard Tomlinson Royal Engineers
Howard Tomlinson Royal Engineers
The army gave Howard opportunities and a lifestyle...Howard Tomlinson Royal Engineers
Howard Tomlinson Royal Engineers
Leaving the army required a Nine month notice peri...Howard Tomlinson Royal Engineers
Howard joined the army to get away from a difficult family life when he was just 17. It was a huge change of life and just what he needed.
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Howard Tomlinson
Howard joined the army to get away from a difficult family life when he was just 17. It was a huge change of life and just what he needed.