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Gordon Westwell
Gordon Westwell
An eye-witness to a fatal crash on the Berlin Airl...Gordon Westwell
Gordon Westwell - Film 1
Like many young men who had experienced the Birmin...Gordon Westwell - Film 1
Gordon Westwell - Film 2
Gordon started his training at RAF Lyneham and the...Gordon Westwell - Film 2
Gordon Westwell - Film 3
As one the first crews into Wunstorf his squadron ...Gordon Westwell - Film 3
Gordon Westwell - Film 4
On the 19th of September 1948 Gordon carries out h...Gordon Westwell - Film 4
Gordon Westwell - Film 5
Gordon talks in detail about the effect the crash ...Gordon Westwell - Film 5
Gordon Westwell - Film 6
Fraternisation was frowned upon and the methods us...Gordon Westwell - Film 6
An eye-witness to a fatal crash on the Berlin Airlift.
- Biography
- Transcript
Gordon Westwell
Gordon Westwell an Aircraft Engineer on the Berlin Airlift recalls the only fatal crash at Wunstorf which, effected the way he did his job afterwards