Holy Sepulchre Church commemorated the 70th anniversary of the end of the Korean War with the premier of a new film documenting the remarkable stories of its veterans. Created by Martin Bisiker of Legasee, the film explored the experiences of three surviving veterans, seventy years on from their service at the 38th parallel. All three veterans' stories can be viewed in the archive. Holy Sepulchre church, which is home to the Memorial Chapel of the Royal Fusiliers, hosts an annual service in remembrance of the end of the Korean War every June. This year the documentary film, premiered prior to the service and film legend Sir Michael Caine, himself a former Fusilier, attended. Thirty-Seven Royal Fusiliers fell in the Korean War between 1952 and 1953 and many others were wounded, leaving a lasting legacy for the City of London. Over 1,000 British servicemen were killed in total, with many more captured and wounded.   Click below to view photographs from the event.  

Royal Fusiliers in Korea

Fr Nick Mottershead, Priest in Charge at Holy Sepulchre, commented: “It has been a great privilege to partner with Legasee to share the extraordinary stories of these three men – Fusiliers George Hodkinson, Mick Mogridge and Gerry Farmer. To this day Korea remains, for some, the ‘forgotten war’ - but not us here at Holy Sepulchre. It is incumbent upon us to share their stories – ones of horror and pain, but also those of camaraderie and extraordinary acts of bravery.” 


Educational Resources

WW2 D-Day veterans
WW2 Convoy veterans
Our Secret WW2
The Korean War
WW1 War recordings