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Douglas Hassall
Douglas Hassall
The very first plane that left Saigon for home was...Douglas Hassall
Douglas Hassall - WWII POW
Douglas is a lovely old boy who has obviously expe...Douglas Hassall - WWII POW
Douglas Hassall 2 of 5
Doug's camp wasn't the worst under Japanese contro...Douglas Hassall 2 of 5
Douglas Hassall 3 of 5
Doug expands on camp life. There's more detail in ...Douglas Hassall 3 of 5
Douglas Hassall 4 of 5
Douglas is brought to tears on several occasions d...Douglas Hassall 4 of 5
The very first plane that left Saigon for home was a Red Cross plane and those that was most sick were on that plane unfortunately it crashed as it was approaching Rangoon so everybody onboard was lost.
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Douglas Hassall
Another Chelsea pensioner and a very different experience of the war to George Bayliss. We pick up the story en route to Singapore.