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Dave Buck
Dave Buck
Dave Buck
Dave Buck - Film 1
Dave Buck joined the Cheshire Regiment in 1997 bef...Dave Buck - Film 1
Dave Buck - Film 2
5 Airborne Brigade head to Kosovo to spearhead a f...Dave Buck - Film 2
Dave Buck - Film 3
Being part of the initial spearhead peacekeeping f...Dave Buck - Film 3
Dave Buck - Film 4
One role of the Logistics Corps was to transport A...Dave Buck - Film 4
Dave Buck - Film 5
Dave reaches a point in his career where felt he...Dave Buck - Film 5
Dave Buck - Film 6
Whilst on a tour in Iraq, David is involved in for...Dave Buck - Film 6
- Biography
- Transcript
Dave Buck
Dave Buck had a couple of stints in the armed forces. Whilst he enjoyed most of what he did there are scars...