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D-Day and the Normandy campaign
‘Normandy Veterans - '75 Years On' is an updated oral history project, recording the stories of veterans of the D-Day landings and the subsequent Normandy Campaign.
The Teaching Resource
The six sets of learning materials each tackle a different chapter of the whole Normandy campaign. Within each session you will find links to video interviews specially recorded with veterans and we hope you will enjoy hearing their first-hand testimonies. Throughout, you will find planned thinking points to stimulate classroom discussions and task pointers for the activities associated with each session.
Our resources are all provided free of charge, and whilst they remain the intellectual property of Legasee Educational Trust, we would be delighted if you would download, print off, photocopy and use in the way that best suits your learning and teaching styles.

Lesson Plan 1
This resource focuses on the stories of three veterans on the the lead up to D-Day. Planning and secrecy were essential
Lesson Plan 2
Operation Neptune
This resource focuses on the landings on the five Normandy beaches on D-Day. It was the biggest seaborne invasion in history and each branch of the British military had its part to play.
Lesson Plan 3
The landings
This resource focuses on the landings on the five Normandy beaches. The first United States assault troops landed on Utah and Omaha beaches, followed by the Canadians on Juno beach and the British on Sword and Gold beaches.
Lesson Plan 4
D-Day +
This resource focuses on the period following D-Day and the subsequent Normandy Campaign which was the scene of fierce fighting between the Allied and Axis forces. Three men share their memories.
Lesson Plan 5
A special relationship
Hollywood has often overlooked that the success of D-Day was thanks to some very strong ties.
Being so far away from their homelands, the Americans and Canadians required significant input from the British, and the substantial contributions of the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force to the landings on D-Day extended far beyond supporting their own troops.
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The Normandy campaign timeline
Contact us for the activity book that accompanies this teaching resource. We also have an extra plan looking at Remembrance.